Case Review

Right ventricular afterload in repaired D-TGA is associated with inefficient flow patterns, rather than stenosis alone
Treatment of D- transposition of great arteries (DTGA) involves the Arterial Switch Operation (ASO), which can create PA branch stenosis (PABS) and alter PA blood flow energetics.
This aim was to correlate RV afterload and PA flow characteristics using 4D flow cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging of a mock circulatory system (MCS) incorporating 3D printed replicas.
The show that energy loss is correlated with both RV mass and PA pressure, and can moderately detect elevated RV mass. Inefficient PA flow may be an important predictor of RV afterload in this population.
Marc Delaney, Vincent Cleveland, Paige Mass, Francesco Capuano, Jason G. Mandell, Yue-Hin Loke & Laura Olivieri , "Right ventricular afterload in repaired D-TGA is associated with inefficient flow patterns, rather than stenosis alone", The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, (2022)
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