Case Review

Assessing the Complicated Venous Hemodynamics and Therapeutic Outcomes of Budd-Chiari Syndrome with Respiratory-gated 4D Flow MR Imaging During the Expiratory and Inspiratory Phases
Dr. Hyodo and colleagues at Nagoya University presented a paper evaluating the complex venous hemodynamics and treatment outcome of Budd-Chiari syndrome using 4D Flow MRI.
They found that 4D Flow MRI of inspiration and expiration provided a visual, quantitative, and objective assessment of physiological venous blood flow dynamics. They report that these were useful for treatment planning and post-treatment assessment of Budd-Chiari syndrome, which is sometimes difficult to understand with CT.
Ryota Hyodo, Yasuo Takehara, Takashi Mizuno, Kazushige Ichikawa, Shinya Yokoyama, Yoji Ishizu, Shinji Naganawa, "Assessing the Complicated Venous Hemodynamics and Therapeutic Outcomes of Budd-Chiari Syndrome with Respiratory-gated 4D Flow MR Imaging During the Expiratory and Inspiratory Phases", Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, Published Online (2022)
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