Case Review

Evaluation of 4D Flow MRI-Derived Relative Residence Time as a Marker for Cirrhosis Associated Portal Vein Thrombosis
Dr. Hyodo and his colleagues at Nagoya University published a paper evaluating Relative Residence Time (RRT) using 4D Flow MRI as a marker for portal vein thrombosis (PVT) associated with cirrhosis. PVT is a significant complication in patients with cirrhosis, necessitating early detection and management. By utilizing 4D Flow MRI, they investigated whether RRT could be used as a non-invasive marker for PVT.

The study analyzed the portal vein blood flow in patients with cirrhosis using 4D Flow MRI, calculating the residence time and comparing this data with the presence or absence of PVT. The results demonstrated that RRT reflects the presence of PVT and is more useful compared to conventional imaging diagnostics. Specifically, patients with PVT showed significantly higher RRT, suggesting its potential utility in early diagnosis and treatment planning.
Ryota Hyodo MD, PhD, Yasuo Takehara MD, PhD, Yoji Ishizu MD, PhD, Kazuki Nishida MD, PhD, Takashi Mizuno MSc, Kazushige Ichikawa MSc, Ryota Horiguchi MD, PhD, Nobuhiko Kurata MD, PhD, Yasuhiro Ogura MD, PhD, Shinya Yokoyama MD, PhD, Shinji Naganawa MD, PhD, Ning Jin PhD, Yoshito Ichiba RT, "Evaluation of 4D Flow MRI-Derived Relative Residence Time as a Marker for Cirrhosis Associated Portal Vein Thrombosis", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Published Online (2024)
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