Case Review

Computed Fluid Dynamics Analysis for SVC-to-RPA Anastomosis With Antegrade Pulmonary Flow
We would like to introduce a case report by Dr. Sumitomo and colleagues at Keio University.
A 1-year-old boy was diagnosed with ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, hypoplastic tricuspid valve, and a small right ventricle with 50% of normal size. He underwent surgery including superior vena cava to right pulmonary artery anastomosis, closure of ventricular and atrial septal defects, and pulmonary artery banding. Analysis using computational fluid dynamics revealed that the remaining right pulmonary artery stenosis resulted in reduced blood flow, leading to decreased shear stress and energy loss in the superior vena cava.
Naofumi F. Sumitomo, Kazuki Kodo, Takayuki Oyanagi, Naritaka Kimura, and Hiroyuki Yamagishi, "Computed Fluid Dynamics Analysis for SVC-to-RPA Anastomosis With Antegrade Pulmonary Flow", Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Published Online (2024)
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