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Case Review

Colocalization of Coronary Plaque with Wall Shear Stress in Myocardial Bridge Patients
Patients with myocardial bridges (MBs) have a higher prevalence of atherosclerosis.
Wall shear stress (WSS) has previously been correlated with plaque in coronary artery disease patients, but such correlations have not been investigated in symptomatic MB patients.
The aim of this study was to use a multi-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) framework to simulate hemodynamics in MB patient, and investigate the co-localization of WSS and plaque.
The show that WSS may be obtained non-invasively in MB patients and provides a surrogate marker of plaque area. Using CFD, it may be possible to non-invasively assess the extent of plaque area, and identify patients who could benefit from frequent monitoring or medical management.
Muhammad Owais Khan, Takeshi Nishi, Shinji Imura, Jongmin Seo, Hanjay Wang, Yasuhiro Honda, Koen Nieman, Ian S. Rogers, Jennifer A. Tremmel, Jack Boyd, Ingela Schnittger & Alison Marsden, "Colocalization of Coronary Plaque with Wall Shear Stress in Myocardial Bridge Patients", Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, (2022) 10.1007/s13239-022-00616-4.
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