
A little about our co-founder

Hello, David here from the marketing and global business development team!

Our technical advisor Dr. Keiichi Itatani had a lecture this week at Tokyo University where he originially graduated and I got a chance to listen to his presentation.

It was fascinating to learn how our co-founder, Dr. Itatani started a career as a cardiovascular surgeon and studied fluid dynamics from a simple question.

“Why do we apply fluid dynamics in industrial areas but not in the heart?”

After studying, researching, and developing he became a pioneer in the field as an “inventor” blood flow analysis. His definitive evaluations of hemodynamics of the cardiovascular system saved many lives and many more to come.

His lecture at Tokyo University was targeted to med students who were to there to learn about how medical knowledge integrated with an expertise of a different background could open doors to many possibilities.

I felt being able to work with a great role model itself is a special environment to enable development of one’s perspective of things.

Cardio Flow Design is always looking for a team player with an adventerous mind.

If my message peaked an interest to any of you readers out there, don’t be shy to reach out to us!

Have a great and inspiring day!